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Clements Hall (Coed)

About Clements Hall

Renovated in 2004, James Burns Clements Hall features 86 suite-style rooms in a co-ed style setting. The majority of rooms are quad style suites but there is also a limited amount of double and single occupancy rooms available. All rooms come with beds, desks, and chests and drawers.

Floor plan of a room in Clements Hall.

Floor Plan

Clements Hall FAQs

What are the dimensions of rooms in Clements Hall?

Window Measurements: 62" W x 61" H

Beds are a mix of regular twin size and XL twin size

What is near Clements Hall?


  • Dining Hall
  • Trojan Center
  • Barnes and Noble Cafe

Academic Buildings

  • Academic Buildings
  • John Robert Lewis Hall
  • Malone Hall
  • Math and Science Complex
  • Eldridge Hall

Parks and Recreation

  • Natatorium
  • Trojan Center Theater
  • Track/Soccer Complex
  • Veterans Memorial Stadium
  • Riddle-Pace Field
How much does it cost to live in Clements Hall?

Price Per Semester

Single room: $2,530

One Bedroom /Two Residents: $2,325

Two Bedrooms/Four Residents: $2,185

The majority of rooms are 2 Bedroom/4 Person Suites.  Single and 1 bedroom/2 people rooms are limited and can be requested after dorm check in.  Requests are not guaranteed as space is limited.

Compare Housing Prices

2024-2025 Housing Prices (PDF)

Where do I park?

For more information on parking regulations, how to get a decal, and parking maps, please visit the following link.

Troy Campus Parking

Safety Information

All dorms are equipped with key fob entry systems. Fobs can be scanned at all entry points by current residents of the building. The fob office is located next to the Housing and Residence Life office in Shackelford Hall. 

Fire safety plans are discussed at the beginning of each semester in hall meetings conducted by resident advisors.

There is a Blue-light Emergency Box located on the back side of Clements Hall. Students can use this box to call emergency services in the event of an emergency.

In the event of strong storms, residents are encouraged to seek shelter in the center of the lowest floor of the dorm. 


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