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Alumni of the Year

Year Recipient(s)
2024 Derek Ellington, Distinguished
Alison Scott Wingate Hosp, Distinguished
Dr. Kathy L. Murphy, Distinguished
Jason Jones, Honorary
2023 Randall (Randy) Mauldin, Distinguished
Gwendolyn (Gwen) Cephas Mosley, Distinguished
Harold (Bill) Wasden, Distinguished
Andrew (Andy) Olivastro, Distinguished
2022 Dr. Dee Dupree Bennett, Distinguished
Britton Bonner, Distinguished
Gerry Brooks, Distinguished
Jeffrey D. Kervin, Distinguished
2021 Bryan Daniel Hubbard, Distinguished
Rick Maxey, Distinguished
Colonel (ret) Kyna McCall-Paster, Distinguished
William R. (Randy) Wilkes, Distinguished
2020 Brig. Gen. Edward Crowell, USAF Ret, Distinguished
Joe Judkins, Distinguished
Freddie Thomas, Distinguished
Lawrence Tynes, Distinguished
Dr. Jean Laliberte, Honorary
2019 Anshooman Aga
Darlene Hutchinson Biehl
Tommy Bryan
Lamar P. Higgins
2018 Jimmy Baker, Distinguished
M. L. Rudeejanok Kritakara, Distinguished
Dawn Railey, Distinguished
Gibson Vance, Distinguished
2017 Brigadier General Richard H. (Rick) Boutwell, Distinguished
Donna S. Brockmann, Distinguished
Paul W. Elliott, Distinguished
Rear Admiral W. Clyde Marsh (Ret.), Distinguished  
2016 Mr. Chuck Ash, Distinguished
Mr. Wiley Locklar, Distinguished
Dr. Imogene Mixson, Distinguished
Mr. Yves Sucaet, Distinguished
 2015 Mr. James "Booty" Bruce, Distinguished
Mr. Stein Ove Fenne, Distinguished
Ms. Anita Griffin, Distinguished
MCPO Charlie Monk, Distinguished
 2014 Mr. Max Davis, Distinguished
Mr. Richard Dowling, Distinguished
Mrs. Barbara Everett, Distinguished
Mr. David Marsh, Distinguished
 2013 Mr. Andrew (Andy) Davis, Distinguished
Mrs. Sandra S. Gouge, Distinguished
Mr. Bobby Terrell, Distinguished
Mr. Lon R. Wise *, Distinguished
 2012 Dr. John (Doc) Anderson, Honorary
Mr. Jimmy Gardner *, Distinguished
Mr. Tim Shirley, Distinguished
Dr. Bob Boothe, Distinguished
 2011 Mr. Brett Wilson, Distinguished
Senator Don Gaetz, Distinguished
Mrs. Claudene Nichols, Distinguished
Mr. Charles Jinright, Distinguished
2010  Mr. Joseph Danny Grant, Distinguished
Mr. Bobby Ross Phillips *, Distinguished
Mr. Robert Earl Stewart, Honorary
Mr. Nicholas J. Cervera, Distinguished
 2009  Dr. David Morgan, Distinguished
Mr. Rusty Ninas, Distinguished
Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Distinguished
Coach Larry Blakeney, Honorary
2008 Mr. Ashely D. Aaron, Distinguished
Mr. Michael R. Amos, Distinguished
Mr. Robert P. (Bobby) Murchison, Distinguished
Senator Robert Cam Ward, Distinguished
2007 Mr. Stacy Faison, Distinguished
Mr. Lee "Bubba" Pinckard, Distinguished
Mr. Samuel Whalum, Jr., Distinguished
Dr. Douglas C. Patterson, Honorary
2006 Mr. Samuel M. Carr *, Distinguished
Mrs. Cassie Sanford, Distinguished
Mr. William Thigpen, Distinguished
Dr. James Whiteside *, Honorary 
2005 Mr. Arthur D. Baylor, Distinguished
Mr. Roy J. Crawford, Distinguished
Judge Patricia M. Smith, Distinguished
Mrs. Ann Kelly Williams, Distinguished 
2004 Dr. Leon Davis, Distinguished
Dr. Thomas Harrel McKinney, Distinguished
Mrs. Amy Smith Parrish, Distinguished
Mr. Joe Thomas Malugen, Honorary 
2003 Mrs. Susan Culwell Delenne, Distinguished
Mr. Randall Moore, Distinguished
Mr. Hugh "Buzz" Phillips, Distinguished
Mr. Gary L. Smith, Honorary
2002 Mrs. Karen Ellis Carter, Distinguished
Mr. J. Wiley Lott, Distinguished
Mr. Douglas Mims, Distinguished
Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Honorary 
2001 Mr. Charles Crawford "Sim" Byrd, Distinguished
Mr. Terry Collins *, Distinguished
Mr. W. Ronald (Ron) Drinkard, Distinguished
Dr. James R. Andrews, Honorary 
2000 Mayor Bobby N. Bright, Distinguished
Mr. Larry Hughes, Distinguished
Mrs. Wanda Morgan Motes, Distinguished
Mayor Jimmy Lunsford, Honorary 
1999 Mr. Lamar Brooks, Distinguished
Mr. Earl Johnson, Distinguished
Mr. Albert B. Head, Jr., Distinguished
Mr. John K. McKinley *, Honorary 
1998 Mr. Larry Groce, Distinguished
Mr. Renis Jones, Distinguished
Mr. Neal Nicholls, Distinguished
Mr. Ken Harris, Honorary
1997 Mr. Bob Butterworth, Distinguished
Mr. Mickey A. Crew, Distinguished
Mr. Jose Henderson *, Distinguished
Mr. Richard Scrushy, Honorary 
1996 Ms. Roni Holley, Distinguished
Mr. Horace Horn, Distinguished
Mr. Richard Stabler, Distinguished
Mr. Vay Dwight Jeffrey, Honorary 
1995 Mr. Alvin Dees, Distinguished
Mr. Bill Owen, Distinguished
Mr. Bill Salter *, Distinguished
Dr. Douglas Hawkins *, Honorary 
1994 Judge Terry Butts, Distinguished
Dr. Thomas Harrison, Distinguished
Mr. James Harvey Rowell, Distinguished 
1993 Dr. Lacey Powell *, Distinguished
Mr. Kenneth Cox, Distinguished
Mr. Frank Allen Tucker, Jr., Distinguished
Mr. Frank "Red" Williams *, Honorary 
1992 Mr. John D. Harrison (Business/Professional)
Mrs. Willodene Davidson Farrell * (Education)
Col. Burnet R. Quick (Military) 
1991 Mr. Jim Gary Bockman (Business/Professional) 
Mr. Clayton Peek Bryant Brigadier (Education) 
Gen. Billy Ray Norman (Military) 
Col. Joel Wesley Norman * (Military) 
1990 Mr. Edward (Hoot) Gibson * (Business/Professional)
Dr. Richard Joseph Federinko (Education)
Captain Harold Wayne Kelly * (Military) 
1989 Mr. Ben F. Beard (Business/Professional)
Dr. Martha Wingard Tack (Education)
Brigadier Gen. Donald L. Scott (Military) 
1988 Mrs. E. Jeanette Rhoades (Education)
Dr. Joe H. Farrar (Business/Professional)
General Alfred G. Hansen (Military)
1987 Ms. Judy M. Anderson (Business/Professional)
Mr. William Hopper(Education)
Brig. Gen. William A. Hornsby * (Military) 
1986 Mr. Larry J. Pollard (Business/Professional)
Dr. Frank D. Rosato (Education)
Col. Edward L. Hubbard (Military) 
1985 Capt. Edward Froehlich(Military)
Dr. Jere Beck * (Business/Professional)
Mr. Pledger Sullivan (Education) 
1984 Lt. General Duane H. Cassidy * (Military)
Mr. Roland J. Pelt * (Business/Professional)
Ms. Annie Crook Waters (Education) 
1983 Dr. Marilyn Beck (Education) 
Lt. Col. Marvin Vickers, Jr. (Professional/Business) 
1982 Dr. Manuel Johnson (Business & Government)
Dr. William B. Bryan *(Education) 
1981 Mr. James Elwood Cheatham, III * (Business & Professionalism)
Dr. Milly Cowles (Education)
Major General W. H. Rice (Military)
1980 Mr. Richard L. Bakke * (Military)
Rep. Earl D. Hutto (Business & Professionalism)
Dr. Thomas A. Ratcliffe * (Education) 
1978 Mr. William R. Chapman *
Mr. R. G. Cook * 
1977 Rev. Cecil Bradley *
Mrs. Dale Griffin * 
1976 Dr. Edward Barnett *
Mr. Freddie Howard 
1975 Mr. Herman L. "Bubba" Scott *
Mr. Roy E. Jeffcoat * 
1974 Mr. Chandler Peeples *
Mr. James G. Sasser * 
1973 Reverend Rex M. Mixson *
Mr. George M. Hudson * 
1972 Judge John O. Harris *
Dr. George L. Layton * 
1971 Mr. Fred Taylor *
Dr. Henry E. Goodlet * 
1970 Mr. Corley Chapman *
Mr. John E. Horne 
1969 Mr. Harold Collins *
Mr. Tom Jones * 
1968 Mr. Shelton W. McLelland *
Mr. Henry Z. Carter 
1967 Mrs. Emma P. Flowers 
1966 Mr. John F. Ingram 
1965 Mr. John E. Horne 
1964 Dr. John Scarborough * 
1963 Dr. Theo Dalton * 
1962 Dr. William Coffield * 
1961 Dr. William W. Pierson 
1960 Miss Myra Segars 
1959 Dr. Charles B. Smith * 
1958 Dr. Eric Rogers 
1957 Miss Laureson Forrester 
1956 Dr. John R. McLure 
1955 Mrs. Norma Smith Bristow 




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