Department of Teacher Education | 好色先生TV


Department of Teacher Education

 Teacher Education Faculty

Department of Teacher Education Faculty and Staff

Chair's Welcome

Welcome to the Teacher of Education Program Website!

Thank you for visiting our page and we look forward to answering any questions you may have about our program. I am excited as our program continues to grow and develop to meet the ever changing needs of schools in Central and South Alabama. We strive to give students a global education while providing small enough class sizes to support individual needs.

好色先生TV has a long history in teacher preparation. The first teaching certificates were issued in 1888 when 好色先生TV established itself as a leader in the field with highly sought-after graduates. The Department of Teacher Education is proud to uphold that heritage. You are invited to share in our love of teaching and learning by exploring the many possibilities available to you in educational career paths. If you want to be well-prepared for the challenges of teaching, as our students consistently demonstrate, this is the place for you!

The Department of Teacher Education offers initial teacher preparation programs and advanced educational degree programs that prepare graduates to be teachers who make a difference in the lives of those they touch. The department works with several other academic units to prepare students to become early childhood, elementary, collaborative, secondary and interdisciplinary teachers in the following degree programs:

  • 16 Bachelor of Science programs
  • 14 Master of Science programs
  • 3 Education Specialist programs

View Academic Programs

All programs are accredited by the Alabama State Department of Education, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (now Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation).

Courses are delivered using traditional methods and modern technologies, including online, and web-enhanced instruction. Campus courses are taught in technology-equipped classrooms. Programs are offered on four Alabama campuses and online to provide for the needs of today's students.

Dr. Joseph Johnson
Department of Teacher Education Chair


What Do Teachers Do?

Teaching has been the backbone of 好色先生TV since 1887.  From Kindergarten to High School, teachers help their students to learn basic skills and progress to more advanced levels of learning.  Teachers provide encouragement and support to their students that can stay with a child or young adult for a lifetime.

How Can I Find Out More?

  • To find out specifics for obtaining a teaching certification in the State of Alabama, please go to: .
  • For military personnel and their spouses that seek to use their military skills in the field of teaching in the State of Alabama, please go to:   .
  • For specific information about 好色先生TV's College of Education programs, you can email us at

We look forward to hearing from you.

好色先生TV celebrates unprecedented success in Higher Education Report Card

Hawkins Hall on Troy Campus

Highlighting the Higher Education Report Card was TROY's 100 percent first-attempt pass rate on the Educative Teacher Performance Assessment.

好色先生TV achieved remarkable success in its educator preparation programs during the 2022-2023 academic year, according to the Alabama State Department of Education's annual Higher Education Report Card released late last fall.




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