CSS Contacts


CSS Contacts

Center for Student Success(CSS)-Troy Montgomery Staff

bre gentry

Bre Gentry

CSS Director & Title III Project Director
Email: bgentry@troy.edu   
Phone: (334) 241-9777


danyal jones

Danyal Jones

Title III Coordinator
Email: djones192611@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 241-9504


 Currently Vacant

ADA Assistant/Reader
Phone:  (334) 241-9587


abigail nicholson

Abigail Nicholson

Academic Advisor
Email: anicholson@troy.edu  
Phone: (334) 241-5485

tobias Postell

Tobias Postell

Academic Advisor
Email: tpostell117371@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 241-9735


Victoria Springer

Dr. Victoria Springer

Academic Advisor
Email: vspringer@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 241-5444


tye devore

Tyler (Tye) Devore

English & Writing Tutor
Email: tdevore@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 832-7288


sally clark

Dr. Sally Clark

Math & Science Tutor
Email: sclark200027@troy.edu 
Phone:  (334) 832-7289


keith winn

Keith Winn

Testing Manager
Email: kwinn29362@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 241-9530


mildred akintunde

Mildred Akintunde

Testing Support Specialist
Email: makintunde@troy.edu  
Phone: (334) 241-9731


hiram faircloth

Hiram Faircloth

Student Intervention & Career Coach under the supervision of Dr. Paul F. Hard, PhD, LPC-S, NCC, Supervising Counselor
Email: hfaircloth@troy.edu 
Phone: (334) 241-9502


carolyn goode

Carolyn Goode

Disability Services Coordinator
Email: cgoode@troy.edu 
Phone: (334)-241-5486


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